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The Collections at WSA—Footwear.Handbags.Accessories

The Collections Criteria for Exhibiting—For contract and consideration, please email Dana Rosenbery at [email protected]. If you have never exhibited with The Collections at WSA, please contact Dana to discuss the qualifications required to become a new exhibitor.

The Collections Floor Plan - August 2010 - Coming Soon

The Collections at WSA represents the designer and emerging designers within WSA. The Collections at WSA is merchandised by like-type products and price points. The following information needs to accompany your request for entry into The Collections at WSA: 

1.  Product type: i.e. Women's shoes, Men's shoes, Handbags &  Accessories

2.  Wholesale price points of the product

3.  3-4 photos (images) of the product

4.  Number of years the company has been in business

5.  Names of 3-4 retailers currently carrying the product

Once your information has been reviewed, we will be able to advise you of the next steps.

For more information, please contact the Sales department at 818.379.9460.


Pictures from The Collections at WSA - February 2010 - Coming Soon